Don’t Wait For The Phone Battery To Die

I just turned the FaceTime off after a client session in USA. The request was for help but for a friend and my client debriefed me in detail. The subject perturbed me and had me wondering.

The couple have been in love for 6 years. They’re married with two adorable kids. Living in a plush New Jersey home. Both doing exceptionally well in their respective career. But, they’re seeking time-out. So, you’d say what was the problem?

Communication and the Cellphone. Dichotomous, isn’t it? In the present state of the economy we are all in, money is equally important as the very breath we take. And, in the desire to not only hang in there but excel, people are sacrificing home life to be on top of the game. The new age smartphones are, only adding to the woe as we all find ourselves ‘on-call’ despite being in professions far removed from the doctors. Yes, you’re right. We are working 24×7 through 365 days.

It wouldn’t be unmindful to state that the phone has taken over our life. We awake on a glorious morning and what do we rush to see first? Our mobile phones. The child rushes to give us a hug and we tell her to wait – we need to respond to an ‘urgent’ message. Breakfast is laid with love and care but, we’re too busy checking the ‘start-of-the-day’ email. The spouse has something significant to share. We find ourselves scrolling through our devices without registering what is being said.Let me not even get to the intimate moments, where the sharp ring of the handphone is breaking the reverie of romance.

Yes, the cellphone is a boon. To be accessible and in the ‘in the know’ of things. A strategic piece of expensive gadget to divert us from those irrelevant and lonely moments. Let’s leave it at that.

Can we keep it away, when we’re sharing special moments? Of talking without typing? Of connecting without the need to document? Of letting laughter and face-to-face conversations to heal wavering relationships?

Have a super weekend of connecting, conversing, communicating, chilling and enjoying. Give the ones you love what they need the most – time and attention. Money will come.

Happiness, always!

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