I hear this ever so often from so many people around me. Some go to the extent of stating, grandly, ‘I forgot to eat!’. You’ve got to be kidding me!

Well, my dear mother was vehement in her belief that, once you dissect and remove the frills you are clinging to, you are eventually working your butt off for those ‘two square meals’. And, if you have no time to eat because you’re ‘too busy’, is not only perplexing but scary!

 What makes you so busy that you forget to eat?

A harrowing schedule of back-to-back meetings that, in the first place are so unstructured in themselves. Do correct me, but from my experience what could’ve taken 15 minutes to resolve in a meeting, finds one in a maze of banal and ego discussions due to people’s unpreparedness in the room.

Secondly, the strong belief ‘I need to be there’ and sort things out and ‘eating’ time will eat into the crisis at hand! Do you really believe that? My dear, please take a reality check. It takes precisely 10 minutes to eat a meal. And, nothing, I repeat NOTHING will turn upside down in 10 minutes, except of, course if there IS a life-and-death situation. If you looked back and actually counted the number of meals you missed and why, you will have the answer.

 What does skipping a meal do to your system?

I won’t wax any eloquence on this subject. You understand that as a breadwinner or ‘luxury provider’ to your self or your family – you need to be fit in body, mind and soul. Your pay check, for sure, won’t nurse you to health if, heaven forbid you are down and out.

Use that amazing intelligence you have and Think. Busy is all fine until it creeps into your life, your relationship with your loved ones and, importantly your own health.

 To quote, Patt Hollinger Pickett, “We all have the same 24/7. What we do with our time becomes our priority. Choose what you do with your time and do not lead a life by default.”

Wish you a great week with immense love and light!

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