I work hard to be lucky

“My, my, you lucky one!”, “The stars are shining at you!”, “You seem to be the chosen one!”

Yes, you guessed right. I had these words spoken to me in more ways than one in the past month. Well, I AM pleased with the Universe. And, importantly, with myself. When you choose to give all credit to Lady Luck, the green monster in me awakens. Allow me to elucidate.

Well, we belittle the efforts we put in in the past few months, perhaps the past years to get where we have arrived. I remember, my physical instructor used to repeat ever so often, ‘No guts, no glory’. O, yes. we take risks. We challenge ourselves and the odds. At times, we swallow our pride and ego and put our head down, to, simply work without any instant gratification. It’s never easy. The rejections, the long waits, the ‘it will happen’ fake reassurances by some, the frustration. But, we find ourselves like warriors fighting to conquer. Like the mountaineer, who decides to scale the peak, knowing all might not go as planned – the weather, the terrain, the supplies, the equipment. Yet, the desire to stand tall, to excel through sheer dint of effort pervades every doubt to reach the pinnacle.

When we call it ‘luck’, we wash away the hard work, the tenacity, the will to carry on. Laud the effort. Praise the patience. Commend that they’re still standing instead of breaking apart in those moments.

All of it pays back through perfect timing, because even the Universe accepts that we deserve little moments of success for the drama it puts us through.

The next time, we find a success story, let’s not hand the award to “Luck”. Hand it to the effort of the recipient.

And, may we all shine in the dreams and vision, we are all putting ourselves through. Amen, to that!

Peace and success this week, to all!

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