The greatest storms on Earth break not in nature but our minds.

The rain to the wind said,

You push and I’ll pelt.’

They so smote the garden bed

That the flowers actually knelt,

And lay lodged–though not dead.

I know how the flowers felt.

Robert Frost

In case you’ve weathered the deluge the past 24 hours due to Mumbai rains and are now safe – use the audio record on your phone and vent out your anger, hurt, disgust and helplessness. Scream into it. Then take a deep breath and say ‘thank you’ because you’re safe and home.

In case, you’re still on the road, there are people praying for you to reach safe. You’ll get home. It’s been harrowing, unnerving and painful. You got here you’ll get there. Safe.

Yes, the system could’ve warned and done better, it didn’t and some rose up and did more than you expected. They are the angels. And thank God for them.

You are taller and stronger in the fire that burns in the spirit that is you. Only YOU. 

Pick yourself and wade with fierceness from the drama of negativity submerging you. There are those who have had it worse like your roadside vendors, your maids or drivers and many more.

Be in gratitude for making it through. Just like you’ve done in the countless occasions in your life. Make a hot cup of chai or kapi and pakoras or fries.

It’s a new day! Embrace it.

Love to you!

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